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The Plan Is Being Rolled Out For Global Domination By The Antichrist & False Prophet


The Plan Is Being Rolled Out For Global Domination By The Antichrist & False Prophet

by Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

Now, before I go any further. I’m NOT saying Jared Kushner is The Antichrist, however many have speculated on this being a very likely possibility, and we must discern the times, matching Bible Scripture to Current Events.


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IMAGE CREDIT: cufi.org

One thing I do know for certain is as I research further about this “Sunday Law” and “Common Good” being pushed by The False Prophet – The Pope; … THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ANOINTING ME WITH A PRESENCE UNLIKE ANY YOU CAN FIND HERE ON EARTH!

CUFI just reported on this HISTORIC MEETING of Kushner to Visit Israel ahead of US peace plan rollout:

US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is planning to visit Israel ahead of US peace conference in Bahrain next month, the Kan public broadcaster reports.

US and Israeli officials are in advanced stages of the planning of the visit, that could come as early as next week.

This comes on the heels of TODAY, May 24th which is a HUGE day for The Pope and his blasphemous actions against The Holy God of Israel. A youth movement has launched called “Climate Strike”, and this has a lot to do with The Pope and what is known as “Sunday Laws” … Watch this video to understand more:

This next video was from over 2 years ago in January 2017. [They] didn’t elect President Trump. [They] elected GLOBALISM and be warned, even though we are seeing much success with President Trump, and we’re receiving a GRACE PERIOD FROM GOD, his time in the White House will come to an end, and the same Globalist, Satanic powers that have embedded themselves in every area of society and are STILL FIGHTING BEHIND CLOSED DOORS WHILE PRESIDENT TRUMP IS IN OFFICE, they WILL regain power. I know you don’t like to hear it, but I speak the truth. IT IS WRITTEN:

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The truth is, Some people that are awake, aren’t awake! If you have ears, please hear. We can be awake to so many knowledges, but if we are not awake to the discerning of THESE END TIMES, we will MISS THE MARK!

I will leave you with this last video:


CUFI (Chrisians United For Israel)

MarkOfBeast.net: Italy’s Populists Want to Close Stores on Sundays (May 2019)

ProphecyAgainTV: Pope – Common Good Has Become Global! Sunday Law Is Set To Go Global! Pope On Borrowed Time. Wake Up!

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