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Jesus Says “America, Prepare For War” …? Is This Prophecy True?


Jesus Says “America, Prepare For War” …? Is This Prophecy True?

America Prepare!


by Glynda Lomax Sept 24th 2018 at Wings of Prophecy blogspot:

America has chosen darkness over light. She has chosen her ways over Mine. She has chosen sin over righteousness. Yea, even great sin. She clings to her abominations and promotes them to other nations. Her defiance of Me, the One who made her great, is a stench in My nostrils.

Because America has chosen darkness over light, I will give her over to darkness. I will call forth her enemies to turn out the lights in America and America will be cloaked in darkness for all to see.

I called you to repentance, America, but you would not. Your haughty spirit has now spread to other nations and your abominations have overflowed your borders and defiled others. I will give you over to the evil and perversion you have chosen over Me, and it will be your destruction.

Since you have not chosen what is right, but you have chosen evil over good, evil will fill your borders. Your enemies will trample you under foot. They will take your women and kill your children. They will spare none, young or old. They will defile your land as they go, eating your crops and ruining your flocks. Famine will abound and the people of America will be turned into the streets as their homes will no longer be safe havens.

Prepare, America, for I am calling forth your enemies to destroy you. No longer will you be called beautiful or free, for I will give you over to them and none (of the wicked) shall be able to stand against Me, the Holy One of Israel. As you have shown no mercy to others, no mercy shall be shown to you.

As you have allowed those within your borders to slaughter the innocent, so shall your beauty be slaughtered and you will not rise again. Long has the innocent blood of those you killed cried out to Me, but I am longsuffering, giving you much time to repent, yet you have not repented. You are haughty and scornful, wicked and perverse and I will abide you no longer.


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