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WARNING: United States Citizens Officially Live Under Communist Control


EXCLUSIVE: United States Citizens Officially Live Under Communist Control With Roll Out Of FB Political Advertising Authorization

by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

You read that right!

Read –> Facebook Set To Censor Conservative Voices In The Name of “Trustworthiness” …

I went to boost a post this evening on our Eternal Affairs Media Fanpage which we’ve had for 8 years now! 8 years! and I’m asked to verify my identity in order to boost political Ads.

Screenshot - 5_7_2018 , 10_36_33 PM fb pol ads

This is ludacris. You literally have to jump through more hoops to post a Facebook ad then you do to VOTE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Screenshot - 5_7_2018 , 10_37_32 PM fb pol ads advertiser center censorship

Screenshot - 5_7_2018 , 10_39_09 PM pol ads bullsht

IF ONLY … they would deploy this amount of effort at our borders and keep illegal aliens out of the country who they just want to vote for them! It’s bullsh*t and its time YOU STAND UP!

We’re taking our country back!



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