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BREAKING: Facebook Is Spying On You And Me Possibly For Big Brother or God Only Knows


BREAKING VIDEO: New Evidence Proves Facebook Spying On Users

by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media


Hey folks, Its finally coming out in the open. Facebook is spying on you and me, possibly for “Big Brother” or God Only Knows!

This has long been speculated and known within the truther circles, however it appears to be coming out in the mainstream now (confirmed by liberal CNN) that the new FB Messenger app requests additional permissions including to make phone calls without your permission, take video from your camera without your permission and so much more!

What are we going to do? Just let them come in and steal our privacy? I don’t think so! Stand up with force! Do not update to the latest FB Messenger and go through all your apps on your phone (under settings) and act accordingly.

Privacy is a right not a privilege and we must fight for it.

Next comes Freedom of Speech which they are already trying to shut down with censorship.
What next? our guns!

That won’t go over smoothly in my neck of the woods.



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