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UN / Russian Forces Landing at US Air Force Bases: Martial Law


(B.K. Hyland) There have been multiple civilian sightings of strange planes landing at American Air Force bases, all carrying UN troops and/or having UN markings (or none). My husband, a Vietnam vet …

Official: Obama Impeachment Starts Here … Obama Charged With Abuse in Office


U.S. Federal Court hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office. The charges present…ed are detailed and damning. The indictments assert that President Obama “acted as a dictator” to exceed his powers of office to appoint officials behind the back of Congress during a recess period.


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10 Things Americans Underestimate About Massive Surveillance on WorldTruthTV


Americans need to realize that every electronic transaction can be traced and seen by the government—period. There’s no e-mail, smart phone app, or even visit to a porn website that’s not traceable

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