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Soda Pop Banned in NYC


Syndicated From One Citizen Speaking!


February 24, 2013

Bloomberg Soda Ban in New York City: Unconstitutional and Illegal Interference with Free Trade of a Legal Substance

On March 12, 2013, any restaurant or shop that receives a New York Health Department letter grade will be subject to a $200 fine if they sell a sugary beverage larger than 16-ounces. No more pitchers of soda at Chuck E. Cheese’s children’s birthday parties, no more 2-liter bottles of soda to be delivered with a pizza.

This is an unconstitutional, illegal and unwarranted intrusion into the lives of America citizens living in New York by liberals who believe they have some legal right to dictate the terms and conditions for living in their city – even though their power and funding comes directly from the people they are disadvantaging.

Bloomberg, himself, is exempt from the inconvenience of the rules, regulations and administrivia he promulgates. Perhaps someone should demand that the use of private helicopters to ferry any individual to an estate worth over $10 million should be banned in the name of improving air quality and noise abatement – hurting Bloomberg, a helicopter pilot, where he lives.

Bottom line …

Ignorance and apathy is allowing more government officials to take unwarranted liberties with our freedoms. Which, if unchecked, will lead to a form of totalitarianism by legislation.

— steve

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