Way To Go America!
Through the people finally standing up for what they felt was threatened (and it was), we as a people of this great nation were able to win this battle against the enemy of corporate & political injustice! The People Have Prevailed – SOPA Lost when they became afraid by the outrageous online protests. If you take anything from this, remember “We The People Shall Prevail” … This is not the end of the war! We won the battle but there will be more attacks on us in the form of PR Pushes “aka” Publicity Stunts for Barack Obama and everybody else that works for the Elite, Corporate Banking Government!
Here’s What Chris Taylor with Mashable had to say about this:
“So, well done, Internet. You did it. You took a relatively obscure bill and you made the world care. One concerted day of action by you shook Washington to its core. Lobbyists like Dodd who have had too much unquestioned control for too long got served notice. There’s a new power player in town; not one man in a suit, but millions of faces with electronic megaphones. And this power player doesn’t take kindly to bills that threaten its behavior.
Take heed, legislators. Want to stamp out online piracy, or regulate any other corner of the new digital landscape? In the future, you’d better come talk to the millions with megaphones first.”
Please take a moment to leave your comments on this short article … as well as join “Restore The Republic Publicity” Facebook Group!
And don’t FORGET TO VOTE! Now that we have momentum against these evil bastards (oops I did say that?) anyway, Let’s keep it up! God Bless America!