Mass Arrests on The Illuminati causing the US Banking Cartel to Resign & Flee … breaking news!
The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now quitting their banking positions in the hundreds and soon to be thousands,
People are now awakening to the truth that a shadowy cabal of rich globalist elites rule the world behind closed doors. Most of them are satanists!
The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now quitting their banking positions in the hundreds and soon to be thousands,
never heard of “corruption” as being a punishable crime (even though I believe that it should be). Its highly likely I’m wrong in this respect since its so hard to keep up with all of the illegal bills that President Obama has been passing without congress approval …
“Take heed, legislators. Want to stamp out online piracy, or regulate any other corner of the new digital landscape? In the future, you’d better come talk to the millions with megaphones first.” quoted Chris Taylor with Mashable …