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Revival In America: EA Truth Radio Interview With SEAN FEUCHT of Let Us Worship, Hold The Line and Kingdom to The Capitol


EXCLUSIVE: EA Truth Radio Welcomes The Amazing Sean Feucht

Revival In America: EA Truth Radio Interview With SEAN FEUCHT of Let Us Worship, Hold The Line and Kingdom to The Capitol


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IMAGE VIA seanfeucht.com

Our host, Andrew “Andy” Shecktor conducted this interview with SEAN FEUCHT on June 16, 2023

Sean’s website reads:

Sean Feucht is a speaker, author, missionary, artist, activist, and the founder of multiple global movements including Burn 24-7, a worship and prayer movement now spanning six continents and more than 250 cities; Light A Candle, a global missions and compassion movement bringing light, hope, healing, and tangible love to the hardest, darkest, and most isolated places of the earth; Hold the Line, a movement seeking to engage the church and young people to inform, educate, and inspire the next generation of leaders to stand for what is right in the governmental arena; and Let Us Worship, a movement across America gathering believers to worship and pray boldly for revival.

 “Let Us Worship” albums have seen great success, four reaching number one on iTunes in Christian Worship, and three albums (Let Us Worship—Azusa, Let Us Worship—Washington, D.C., and Let Us Worship —Awake America) ranking number one over every genre in the world for multiple days in a row on iTunes.

Visit Sean at www.SeanFeucht.com

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