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True Story: The Little Girl Satanist Next Door


“We will leave body parts at the entrance and then we will kill ourselves.”

True Story: The Little Girl Satanist Next Door

by Edwin Benson | Return to Order

IMAGE VIA cnbc.com

In a parents’ mind there are few horrors that come close to the sense that their child could be senselessly and seriously harmed. That is the reason that the attempted stabbings of middle school students in Polk County, Florida is so compelling.

A Violent Eruption of Evil

The would-be assailants were female students at Bartow Middle School on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. Their names have not been released because of their ages, one was eleven years old and the other was twelve. In the early afternoon, another student told school administrators that the two girls were hiding in the restroom armed with knives.


When officers entered the restroom, they found the two girls armed with several knives, a pizza cutter, and a knife sharpener.

Violence in a school is always a matter of great concern. What makes this story especially troubling is the motive of the two girls. They claimed to be Satanists. They admitted their plan to the police. According to a report in USA Today, an affidavit said that, “The plan was to kill at least 1 student but were hoping to kill anywhere from 15-25 students. … Killing all of these students was in hopes it would make them worse sinners ensuring that after they committed suicide … (they) would go to hell so they could be with Satan (sic).”

IMAGE VIA history.com

According to the article, the girls devised their plan after watching scary movies the previous weekend. Messages on their cellular telephones were scrutinized by detectives, including one that read, “We will leave body parts at the entrance and then we will kill ourselves.”

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