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With Rumors of War Swirling, Ukrainian Christians Lift a Shield of Prayer and Worship


Ukrainian Christians are deploying their own weapon: a shield of prayer and worship

With Rumors of War Swirling, Ukrainian Christians Lift a Shield of Prayer and Worship

George Thomas with CBN News reports:

IMAGE VIA tcc.sa.edu.au

LVIV, Ukraine – In 2014 when Russian-backed separatists invaded eastern Ukraine, thousands of folks fled west to cities like Lviv. Today, with the threat of another Russian invasion, authorities in Lviv and across western Ukraine are bracing for 5 million refugees.

Russia is adding forces and military hardware to the Ukrainian border, inching ever so close to surrounding their neighbor. Washington says more than 130,0000 Russian troops are now standing on Ukraine’s borders as fears of a coming invasion continue to grow.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians are holding almost daily drills, ready to defend their country.

And yet, Ukrainian Christians are deploying their own weapon: a shield of prayer and worship.

“People are worried but we encourage them to look to Jesus with all of our might because it’s only through prayer that we can keep peace in our country,” Kyzmenko Dmytro, pastor of New Generation Church in Lviv tells CBN News.

Seventy percent of Pastor Dmytro’s congregation is from eastern Ukraine, many of them escaping ongoing violence there.

“My heart right now is with my relatives I left behind in Donetsk: My mom, my sister and my grandmother but they cannot leave this territory and it breaks me,” says Kateryna Skudan, who escaped from Donetsk.

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