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Do Not Watch The Olympics – Boycott – Don’t Give Into China


Add in organ harvesting of the Falun Gong, cultural genocide in Tibet, the suppression of Hong Kong, the pernicious social-credit system that targets, among others, Christians

Do Not Watch The Olympics – Boycott – Don’t Give Into China

Life News reports:

IMAGE VIA endofendtimesnews.blogspot.com

Not only does the world cravenly looks the other way as the Chinese Communist Party commits systemic human-rights atrocities of a kind that we haven’t seen for nearly 100 years but it also abjectly honors the country by allowing the Winter Olympics to be hosted in Beijing.

What a travesty. The genocide of the Uyghur Muslims — which includes mass incarceration in concentration camps, forced sterilization and abortion, rape as a means of terror, and use in slave labor is evil enough to warrant treating China as a pariah.

Add in organ harvesting of the Falun Gong, cultural genocide in Tibet, the suppression of Hong Kong, the pernicious social-credit system that targets, among others, Christians. Also, racketeering-levels of intellectual-property theft, illegal South China Sea hegemony, menacing of Taiwan, aggressive hacking, spying, loan sharking the developing world, and lest we forget, the Great Covid Coverup.

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