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10 Practical Yet Powerful Self Defense Tips & Tricks For Women To Stay Alive


10 Practical Yet Powerful Self Defense Tips & Tricks For Women To Stay Alive

10 Practical Yet Powerful Self Defense Tips & Tricks For Women To Stay Alive

In the USA, every two minutes a woman is being raped.

A 1993 survey revealed that 50% of Canadian women have experienced an incident of sexual assault or physical violence.

In Australia, 19% of women aged 18 to 24 experienced an act of violence in the last year.


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Statistics show that one in very four women in America will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

These are SHOCKING statistics!

For more than 30 years I have been running specialized self defense courses and seminars. Over that time I have shown thousands of people how to protect and look after themselves.

Increasing personal safety ALWAYS commences with awareness.

Since most women fear attacks of a sexual nature more than anything else most of my quick tips are geared towards that.


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If you are a woman, here is a list of ten simple things that you can do immediately that will increase your safety:


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IMAGE VIA rankintkd.com

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1 – Do not wear revealing clothing in public places. Doing so will ensure that you attract plenty of attention, including attention from those people with evil intent. Be discrete and leave provocative wear to those times when you can enjoy the intimacy of your partner.

2 – Trust your instincts. Women are very intuitive. If you think a situation might be dangerous then it probably is. That little guardian angel should be trusted rather than ignored.

3 – Rape and other sexual assault is always increasing. In the event of the worst outcome use your fingernails to gouge your attacker’s cheek. It marks him for identification and you will have DNA under your nails.

4 – Drive your motor vehicle in a courteous manner. Nobody appreciates rude hand signs. Remember – eventually you have to stop, even if it is to refuel. Psycho cases might follow you for many miles “just to teach you a lesson” – all because you made yourself a target to their twisted minds.

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5 – Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, taking mind altering drugs and leaving ANY food or drink unattended where it may be tampered with is a recipe for disaster. Give your self an even chance.

6 – NEVER pick up hitch-hikers and ABSOLUTELY NEVER hitch-hike yourself.

7 – If you live alone make sure that all your mail is addressed by just your first initial followed by your surname. Never allow mail to be addressed to you with salutations like Miss, Mrs, Ms or with your christian or given name. Those letters and parcels pass many eyes before they get to you. Change them. Make them nondescript as to your sex and marital status. Why allow anybody even one extra shred of information about you?

8 – NEVER walk alone at night or at any time in isolated areas. Predators love these locations. Avoid them.

9 – Many sexual acts are committed by people who the victims knew – or, at least, thought they knew! Be friendly and polite by all means but be vigilant for tell-tale signs of “strange” behavior. Do NOT flirt. Be firm about any unwanted attention, particularly in the work place.

10 – Sexual attack is usually preceded by some visual sign, which is usually preceded by some verbal approach before the physical action. Recognize the sequence: the look – the talk – the attack.

There are so many predators out there. Let’s help our women to PROTECT themselves! Don’t let somebody YOU know become the next victim.

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Copied with permission from plrplr.com!

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