Trump Admin Opens Discussions, Asking Citizens Their Experience With Big Tech Censorship
Ignore The FAKE NEWS, and Take The Survey:
BREAKING: If you’ve been targeted, harassed or simply blocked or banned from any social media platform … If you’ve had a problem with Big tech disabling or suspending your accounts, or anything related … TRUMP NOW WANTS TO KNOW: Through an online survey where The White House gives you the opportunity to ‘share your story’ you can SPEAK OUT! Trump Cares … and this is an issue that has affected both “the left and the right”.
Here’s the online questionnaire:
Search Engines are also complicit in the MASS ONLINE CENSORSHIP. I had to look up the link to the survey / questionnaire, and unlike what Google (or in this case Startpage) would normally do – provide the most RELEVANT results – Instead they provide all the FAKE NEWS BULLSH*T DOWNGRADING THE SURVEY / QUESTIONNAIRE — They don’t want YOU taking it, so TAKE IT!!! This has to stop! I’m feeling some of the heat that the President feels. Let me tell you, He must be a strong strong man.

Here’s the online questionnaire: