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President Trump Is Making It Easier For Former Inmates To Re-Enter Society …


President Trump backs historic prison reform

President Trump Is Making It Easier For Former Inmates To Re-Enter Society …

IMAGE CREDIT: www1.cbn.com


Shortly after 4:30 p.m. today, President Donald J. Trump called on Congress to take action and support the FIRST STEP Act, a bipartisan bill that will reform America’s prisons and improve our Nation’s criminal justice system.


“Our whole Nation benefits if former inmates are able to reenter society as productive, law-abiding citizens,” the President says.

One-in-three American adults today has some type of criminal record, and more than 2 million Americans are in prison—including 181,000 in Federal penitentiaries. More than 95 percent of these inmates will eventually leave prison and face the challenge of restarting their lives. Among Federal inmates today, nearly 40 percent will be rearrested within five years of release.

That outcome helps no one. The FIRST STEP Act will make our communities safer by making our justice system work better in three key ways:

Provide incentives for low-risk inmates to receive crucial support services, including vocational training and faith-based programs to ease reentry

House more prisoners in facilities closer to their own communities, allowing for family visitation and greater local support

Roll back certain provisions of former President Clinton’s infamous crime law, reforming mandatory minimums that have led to racially discriminatory outcomes and increased prison overcrowding

Get the facts: President Trump backs historic prison reform

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