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Family Research Council Calling For Parent’s To Pledge 2018 Sex Ed Sit-Out, Etc


Take The Parent Pledge Today: Sex Ed Sit-Out 2018

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(FRC) Family Research Council did a great thing in my life by introducing me to Patriot Mobile, so I feel led to share this Pro Bono for them. Please help out if you feel led:


Most parents don’t want their kids to miss a minute of school, but this past spring’s Sex Ed Sit Out was the exception! Moms and dads across the country kept their children home to protest the liberal propaganda being passed off as “sex education” in today’s classrooms. And while students may not have been in school, they were still getting a lesson in something important: speaking out.

Engaged parents and grandparents are essential to protect children from aggressive liberal agendas and to prepare the next generation to be STAND Ready.

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Sixteen cities in four countries held official rallies and protests of the curriculum that’s sneaking its way past the school room door to kids as young as five. With groups like Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) behind some of the latest programs, parents are right to be concerned.

Elizabeth Johnston, who hatched the idea for a nationwide movement, talked with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on “Washington Watch” several times leading up to the April 23rd event. “A few of us moms were disgusted by the evidence we were seeing on social media of graphic sex ed in the schools and the stories about gender transition parties and teaching kids to question their gender,” the “Activist Mommy” explained. “So, we decided to stop griping about it and actually do something about it.”

In a campaign that caught the attention of everyone from Rev. Franklin Graham to the Benham Brothers, the Sex Ed Sit Out certainly accomplished one thing: getting more parents involved in what their kids are learning. In front of city halls, state houses, and school district offices, protestors held up signs that read things like, “My child, my choice!” and “Hands off my kids!”

In Charlotte, the North Carolina Values Coalition was one of the idea’s biggest champions. “About a year ago this time, we began receiving phone calls from parents, teachers, and counselors in CMS, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools,” Tami Fitzgerald explained. “They were saying, ‘Please help us. You cannot believe what they are teaching our children in public schools.'”

FRC is working to protect our children, families, and parental rights. Your gift of $5, $25, $50, $100, or more to our Family Advocacy Fund advances our mission for this generation and generations to come.

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Across Texas, Washington, Indiana, and a dozen other states, the rallies were also a chance to highlight all that President Trump has done to put the brakes on the Left’s grip on sex education–and taxpayer dollars. His team at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been systematically weeding out the programs that–even Obama’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) agreed–have done more harm than good. One of the administration’s best moves last year was cutting off the money to Planned Parenthood’s “teen pregnancy prevention” programs.

We cannot let up for one moment because our opponents are always on the attack. We must help our children and grandchildren be ready to take a STAND this school year. FRC works on your behalf at the national level to help craft policies to protect our children, educating parents and community leaders about the leftist propaganda, and informing Americans about meaningful local initiatives to take action. This is how together we help prepare STAND Ready children.

Take the Parent Pledge 2018 today. Pledge to do three things this school year:

>> Pray for your children, teachers, and school board;

>> Engage with your children and their teachers to discover and understand what curriculum is being taught;

>> Inform FRC about leftist propaganda infiltrating your school.

Together, we can protect our greatest resource for America’s future… our children.

Now is the time to take action. Millions of children are returning to school this month, so join the Parent Pledge 2018 and make a gift to FRC’s Family Advocacy Fund today. We need your generous support to raise $250,000 in the next few weeks so we can be positioned and prepared to counteract the Left’s agenda in our schools.

Thank you for your partnership in advancing a STAND Ready generation.

Family Research Council

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