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The Consequences of Sin | God’s Judgement Good and Necessary


The Consequences of Sin | God’s Judgement Good and Necessary

By Michael Brown | Decision Magazine

PHOTO CREDIT: Decision Magazine


Why does the world try to act like there’s no need for God to be wrathful? First, it’s because we have a hard time accepting the idea that there are consequences for our actions. We don’t even want there to be such a thing as losing. We have children’s competitions where no one keeps score because everyone has to win. So, in many ways we want to shield people from the reality of the serious consequences of our actions.

And second, we have such a broken, fatherless generation that we have constantly emphasized God’s love and goodness and acceptance. These things are very important, but we’ve gotten out of balance with it. We’ve forgotten that there are things that deserve punishment, and that sin itself is ugly and bad, but God’s judgment is good and necessary. It’s not arbitrary. It is based on a combination of God’s perfect goodness, mercy and justice.

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