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People Are Piercing Their Fingers Instead Of Wearing Rings And It Looks Agonizing


People Are Piercing Their Fingers Instead Of Wearing Rings And It Looks Agonizing

PHOTO CREDIT: Cultura Collective


No one person is alike, so society’s taste is bound to differ. It’s not unheard of for someone to tattoo a band or a small design around their ring finger instead, or forgo the jewelry all together.

But, some people are taking their physical representation of commitment to a whole new level by having their fingers pierced.

In a graphic video shared by Cultura Colectiva + on their Facebook page, various people are shown getting the lower half of their digits pierced, and it’s not for the faint of heart.

The clip shows individuals getting their skin clamped before a metal rod is pushed through the skin folds. While some decide to go with either a simple bar or stud, others prefer more elaborate designs, including having their “wedding” rings embedded into their skin, it takes a full year for the piercing to heal.

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ORIGINAL SOURCE: Cultura Collective

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