Amazing Prophetic Video Explains What May Happen On September 23, 2017
by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

Could this be the fulfillment of Revelation Chapter 12 in The Bible?
Is it the rapture? The rise of Antichrist? We could make plenty speculations but something is for certain that even astronomers agree with is something significant happens on Sept 23.
This video will discuss The Bethlehem Star Sept 23 2015, Rev. Ch 12 on Sept 23 2017 and and much more …
It should be noted, that I, myself, Watchman of The End Times had a spiritual rebirth on Sept. 23 2015.
I was a bad alcoholic and the night I left for rehab in TX after having an experience with The Holy Spirit anointing me to get my life in order was Sept 23 2015. I’m not saying I’m special. I just thought this was cool to include – pretty Amazing Our God is!
God changed me on that date! I’m a new man & new creation!
It was The Jewish Day of Atonement. That’s how I remember it. I was scheduled to watch a broadcast of Rabbi Schneider, Discovering The Jewish Jesus.
You have to WATCH this video! If you didn’t, scroll back up and watch now!
and let us know in the comment section below what you think.