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A Message From Edward Snowden


A Message From Edward Snowden

We have shared the dream that America will be free of political injustices such as illegal spying and too big of a government with Whistleblower, Edward Snowden. We stand in this new free era with him and will continue the fight. Thank you Edward for your service to your country even though you have been branded a traitor and banned from your home. We appreciate you and will continue the fight with you.


A Message From Edward Snowden:

I want to thank you, humbly and with a full heart, for your unwavering advocacy and support. More than a million of you came together to say in one voice that the truth matters. My gratitude is beyond expression.


Though the powers of our day may keep me from home for a few more years, your support keeps me company during the fight. With each action, you are authoring a story of how ordinary people, good and gracious, come together in the United States and around the world to change our collective future. There is no honor greater than standing shoulder-to-shoulder with your generous spirit.


It is this same spirit that set free Chelsea Manning, who will finally come home from seven long years in prison for the crime of telling the truth. It will be the force that preserves our civil liberties, not just over the next four years, but for the enduring generations. It is the force that inspires me to never give up, and ask you to commit to the same.
In that unstoppable spirit, I invite you to stand with me one more time to protect the values that represent the real greatness of our age. Make no mistake, my friends: There is injustice in this world, but it will not last forever.


We will make sure of it.


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With gratitude,

Edward Snowden

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