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Snippets From AMAC Chief: on EBola In The USA!


Don’t Let The Ebola Virus Scare You, Says AMAC!


According to Lifescript, the virus is believed to be spread by bats or other infected animals. When the animals are handled, or people have contact with their excrement, humans can come down with the disease.  It can be spread by infected males during sexual intercourse.Two American aid workers who had been helping Ebola victims in West Africa and who were infected on the job were flown to the U.S. for treatment this week at Emory University Hospital.  Emory has special isolation facilities for victims of infectious diseases and works closely with the Centers for Disease Control, which is also located in Atlanta.

The AMAC chief pointed out that the disease is prevalent in the lower 48 states.  Hawaii and Alaska have not ever had a documented case of West Nile Virus, perhaps because of their geographic locations.  He said that the peak season for the disease is June through September and that prevention is easy: just avoid mosquito bites.

“Use insect repellents on your treks out of doors.  Ask your physician or pharmacist which repellents are the most effective.  As an added precaution, keep yourself relatively covered up in the evenings if you are venturing out; that’s the time of day when mosquitoes are most active.  Indoors, make sure that screens are in good repair.  Finally, mosquitoes breed in standing water, so make sure to check gutters, birdbaths, pet feeders that may be close to your house.”

Eternal Affairs Notice:

We’ve found that there is fowl play within the governmental sectors when it comes to the Ebola Virus much like many other false flag terrorism schemes. Don’t be scared. Turn to AMAC for your insurance. Turn to JESUS for your ultimate protection. God bless, Biselliano! A personal member of Amac!



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