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Rand Paul and Campaign For Liberty: Nashville, TN & Springfield, MO “One Day” Political Leadership Schools

Liberty Begins With You

Nashville, TN classes discussed top portion of article.

Scroll down for Missouri Classes!



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Liberty Begins With You

This March 22, you can learn all the inside secrets of how to win at the Capitol.

Campaign for Liberty is hosting a One-Day Political Leadership School in Nashville, TN.

At this school you will learn proven methods for forcing change in your legislature.

This intense training covers:


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• The Real Nature of Politics – why just “educating” people alone won’t result in change

• The Biggest Lie in Politics – and how the political class uses your convictions against you

• How to Work Effectively at the Capitol – getting a bill sponsor and roll call vote despite the leadership

• How to Build a Group – putting pressure on legislators
We are still finalizing the details for this class, but I wanted to give you advance notice of the date right away so you would be sure to save the date.

I’ll be sending you the rest of the details soon, but be sure to mark Saturday, March 22, on your calendar to be in Nashville, TN.

There is no prize for second place in politics – you owe it to your ideas and principles to learn how to win at the Capitol

### Letter from Rand Paul

I know you understand the power of ideas. But good ideas are not worth anything if they are not put into action. I know you believe this, or you would not be a member of Campaign for Liberty.

In order to help their members put their ideas into action, Campaign for Liberty supports training activists to be effective spokespeople and leaders.

A political insider observed that, “Political success is determined by the number and effectiveness of the political activists on either side.”

Therefore, you really do owe it to your ideas and principles to learn how to become the most effective activist you can be.

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To help you become more effective, I want to let you know there will be a One-Day Political Leadership School held in your area soon. (The details are listed below.) I hope you will sacrifice a little of your weekend to be part of this exciting class. I understand it is intense and even fun. I know that if you put just a few of the ideas you will learn into practice, you will help advance the cause of liberty.

I sincerely hope you can attend.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator, Kentucky

P.S. I know you care about principles, limiting the scope and power of government, and the power of liberty. Here is your chance to convert our shared passion into action. I hope you will attend the upcoming Political Leadership School in Tennessee.

### Missouri

Are you ready to effect major political change and reclaim your lost liberties?

Are you ready to make the politicians finally listen and undo the harm they have done over the years?

This isn’t a seminar on ideas or theories – this school is about how to create meaningful change.

You will learn:

•How to be respected and feared by the political class

•How mass movements fail and why

•Why Confrontation-Based lobbying is superior to Access-Based lobbying

•How to choose battles that will grow your organization

•How to pass and defeat legislation

•How to target legislators who vote against you and which to go after first

•And much more!

If you are frustrated by politicians who say one thing at the Tea Party Rally but break their promise at the Capitol, you need to be at one of these schools.

The Springfield class will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lamplighter Inn North, located at 2820 N Glenstone in Springfield, MO. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m.

The Lees Summit class will be held on Sunday, March 9, 2014 from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Unity Village Hotel and Conference Center, located at 1901 NW Blue Parkway in Lees Summit, MO. Registration will begin at 11:15 a.m.

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Attending one of these complete One-Day Political Leadership Schools promises to be an experience you won’t soon forget.

Seating is limited, so we can’t guarantee that tickets will be available at the door.

Click here to purchase your ticket for the Springfield, MO class.

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