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Halloween is Bible Prophecy: Feast of Trumpets From The Lost Tribes …


I believe this festival was practiced, in some related form, by the Ten Lost tribes of Israel who were exiled 720 years before Christ.

Black & Anti-Obama, Race Has “Nothing to do with it” … Deneen Borelli on FreePAC (Full Video Speech)


You don’t have to be white to be Anti-Obama. Deneen Borelli is a proud American Patriot standing on the front lines of revolution, speaking out against Obama and his wicked ways!

Reversing Toward OUR Humble Beginnings: We Shall Not Be Moved, Christians


Civil eruptions everywhere, from American streets to foreign cities. Financial doom. Social decay. Dirty politics. Depressing statistics. Polls that reveal Americans believe the country is moving backwards.
Indeed, Americans have moved. Christians have moved.