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Google Takes Gmail Security to the Next Level with Client-Side Encryption


It is important to know that the latest safeguards offered by Gmail is different from end-to-end encryption

Google Takes Gmail Security to the Next Level with Client-Side Encryption

Ravie Lakshmanan with The Hacker News reports:

IMAGE VIA tinkercad.com

Google on Friday announced that its client-side encryption for Gmail is in beta for Workspace and education customers as part of its efforts to secure emails sent using the web version of the platform.

The development comes at a time when concerns about online privacy and data security are at an all-time high, making it a welcome change for users who value the protection of their personal data.

To that end, Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, and Education Standard customers can apply to sign up for the beta until January 20, 2023. It’s not available to personal Google Accounts.

“Using client-side encryption in Gmail ensures sensitive data in the email body and attachments are indecipherable to Google servers,” the company said in a post. “Customers retain control over encryption keys and the identity service to access those keys.”

It is important to know that the latest safeguards offered by Gmail is different from end-to-end encryption.

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