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50 More Migrants Arrive at Kamala Harris’ Personal Residence


Nevertheless, This Is The Problem That She and Pedo Joe Created …

50 More Migrants Arrive at Kamala Harris’ Personal Residence

Paul Conner with FOX News reports:

IMAGE VIA nypost.com

Around 50 more migrants got off a bus outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington, D.C., Saturday.

Six more buses also arrived in New York City, as Texas continued to pressure sanctuary cities amid a surge of migrants crossing the southern border. The six buses were from El Paso, Port Authority officials told Fox News.

The D.C. bus carried people mostly from Venezuela, including a one-month-old baby. Aid workers quickly whisked the migrants away to a local shelter.

The transports come as the immigration issue has again rocketed to the forefront of national attention after planes carrying migrants arrived in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

Harris has been tasked with dealing with the “root causes” of migration to the U.S.-Mexico border, which she said on Sunday was “secure.”

That statement received heavy pushback from Border Patrol agents, who say it is “far from secure.”

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