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Missouri Inmate Cried for Medical Care for Months Before Dying from Brain Tumor


You could tell something was wrong and she was ignored

Missouri Inmate Cried for Medical Care for Months Before Dying from Brain Tumor

IMAGE VIA fox2now.com

This perfectly describes the state of medical care in the Midwestern State of Missouri. They simply don’t care about your health. It’s only about control, “Wear the face diaper” …

Chris Hayes with FOX 2 Now reports:

An inmate in Pike County, Missouri, cried for medical help, was given Tylenol, and then put on suicide watch before dying from a brain tumor, according to a jail incident report.

The jail’s investigative report laid out a timeline that shows the 41-year-old woman, Hollie Grote, cried for medical help for months.

“You could tell something was wrong and she was ignored,” the victim’s sister, Ashley Lovelace, told FOX 2.

The victim’s other sister Shainey Harpole added, “She was losing her vision. She had headaches.”

Grote’s complaints were consistent and daily, according to her family. Their assertions are backed up by the jail’s records.

“I thought she had had a stroke from the things that she was saying,” Harpole said.

Read More at FOX 2 Now!

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