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Man Charged With Two Counts of Murder for Killing Pregnant Woman


“Under the statute, a person can be prosecuted for murder if he or she ‘intended to cause the death of the viable fetus.’”

Man Charged With Two Counts of Murder for Killing Pregnant Woman

Dave Andrusko with LifeNews reports:

IMAGE VIA thehill.com

Torrey Damien Moore, 31, was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation on charges of first-degree murder and first-degree murder of a viable unborn baby. The unidentified woman, shot multiple times, was eight months pregnant. Her decomposing body was found in Moore’s apartment.

“Moore also is charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of a convenience store clerk Thursday, an incident that led a SWAT team on Friday to swarm his apartment, where they discovered the woman’s body,” Dan Morse reported for the Washington Post. “There is no indication the deaths of the two adults are related.”

Moore kept the body of the unidentified woman for at least a month, police say. Her remains were in “an advanced stage of decomposition.”

Police and prosecutors “are employing Maryland’s law against the ‘murder or manslaughter of viable fetus’ in charging Moore,” Morse wrote. “Under the statute, a person can be prosecuted for murder if he or she ‘intended to cause the death of the viable fetus.’”

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