Lewis says its a Spiritual Battle, and Yes it is! So PLEASE PRAY!
Arizona Border Update w/ Veterans On Patrol’s Lewis Arthur & Team ~ EA Truth Radio (01/04/2022)
by Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media
We were honored and privileged to WELCOME Lewis & his team back on EA Truth Radio after it has been a few years since he was our guest! He’s a really good guy, that loves The Lord, and is trying to do the right thing. All of his critics need to take a LESSON from HIS PLAYBOOK!
I am living proof that people can change from their pasts, and so is Our Brother, Lewis Arthur. I can relate. No one is perfect, and neither are you, those attacking him over his past! You know NOTHING about what he’s been through nor who he is today. People can change with the help of Jesus ~ The Truth ~ The Life ~ The Way ~ and those of you that are critical of the good work that VOP is doing … NEED JESUS THE MOST! With JESUS THE LIVING GOD All Things Are Possible! Including Transformation! You have NO RIGHT being critical of WHAT GOD HAS DONE!
With that said, Thank you for joining us. VOP is doing great things on the Southern Border to Stop Child Trafficking. Everybody needs to be aware of what is really going on down there since Mainstream Propaganda Media will rarely tell the truth.
Lewis Arthur, the Founder of VOP = Veterans On Patrol joins our Host, Andrew “Andy” Shecktor for this SPECIAL BORDER UPDATE SHOW. This is the 5th time, I believe, that he’s been on our platform.
A couple of his Fellow Volunteers joined him on this call as well! We really appreciate that you joined us! Thank you!
Please join us chatting on social media about our shows using hashtag #EATruthRadio …
Thank you for tuning in and supporting both EA Truth Media and Veterans On Patrol …
Veterans On Patrol accepts material donations however no cash donations:
Current Urgent Requests:
Spanish Bibles for Children
Blankets/Hand Warmers
Fuel Cards (Visa/Chevron)
Tactical Equipment you are not using that you can lend:
Spotting Scopes
HP Binoculars
SAT Phones
info.vop@protonmail.com will help answer any questions related to Material Support being requested.
520-500-4506 is the number to call to put your Boots next to ours / Volunteer. and VOP covets your PRAYERS ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE! Lewis says its a Spiritual Battle, and Yes it is! So PLEASE PRAY & PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! WE LIVE IN EPIC TIMES!