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God’s Voice & Call Into Covenant – Timely Relevant Prophecies For Modern Day 2021

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God’s Voice & Call Into Covenant – Timely Relevant Prophecies For Modern Day 2021

God’s Voice & Call Into Covenant – Timely Relevant Prophecies For Modern Day 2021

by Prophet Jonathan of s8w.org:

In these times of great uncertainty and conflict, where the very things we thought were unchangeable are threatened, fading, or taken away, it might be hard to see these changes as a good thing, but it is. God is breaking molds and philosophical barriers that prevent people from having a true and living relationship with Him. The signs of the time are God’s tools to progress His plan.

In this post you will see what God is making known as He is pouring out His grace upon all flesh, making one last call or invitation to enter into the new covenant for which Jesus shed His blood, but before we get into it let’s talk about revelation.

Acts 2:17

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And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

In this verse we understand that God reveals Himself to many people, but there is a purpose to the revelation that is unfolded when we come from a covenant perspective.

Many have received dreams about the rapture, the tribulation, the needed correction for the church, and the power of God for them to overcome. These revelations serve as a call from God to labor in His covenant to fulfill His plan for their creation, not to rest in the revelation itself.

I cannot stress enough that the new covenant is the cloth from which all revelation is cut. Each revelation is a stone that is set upon the prophetic path to lead you into Jesus’ covenant and equip you with the stewardship and priesthood of your spiritual adoption into God’s house.

God’s Tread of Revelation

Let’s begin this thread of revelations. Each link will bring you to a post, article, teaching, or video to learn what restoration is all about. When I say that God has restored His church, I mean that nothing of Jesus is lacking to instruct and guide the believer into His fullness, where He empowers your faith to overcome and bear His eternal fruits by which Jesus, as the mediator of His own covenant, represents your soul before God’s throne as a good and faithful servant.

June 3, 2020

Prophet Jonathan: The Lamb’s Book of Life

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In a dream, the Lord showed me the Lamb’s Book of Life in Heaven. It was bound with 3 gold rings and the pages glowed with living light, like a luminescent sea creature. I see my hand holding a pen more glorious than any I had ever seen, like what a king would gift to another king.

My hand was poised to write on the page when I saw another hand come over mine (I could feel the hand) like a parent teaching a child how to write. And God said, “The assistance of the Spirit is needed to complete the sign in process to the Lambs Book of Life.” And I began to write with His assistance. End of dream.

Revelation 21:27

And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

April 24, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: The new covenant priesthood restored

The Lord spoke to me saying, “Those whose priesthood is empowered by Christ, will be raptured upon His return.”

This revelation confirms the reinstating of Jesus’ priesthood for our faith to reflect Him. God’s focus on renewing the priesthood is linked to our experience of His power and needful preparation for the rapture.

This revelation confirms the article below.

March 21, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: The church regains power

In my dream, the Lord showed me a wheel with many spokes like the diagram Apostle Eric vonAnderseck shares in his teaching of the Church Wheel. The wheel in my dream was the size of a wagon wheel and it was mounted on top of a cylinder. As the wheel rotated it began to pick up speed and generated power.

The velocity of the wheel was incredible. The wheel was turning at a very high rate of speed, like a jet engine. I could hear and feel it’s power and momentum and stood amazed. The church, functioning as it should with stewardship at the hub, I marveled at the true potential of the church.

Read this article to learn how Christ empowers the priesthood as it is joined to the hub of stewardship. Faith that is not empowered by Christ, is empowered by the will, which is insufficient for true rest and transformation of the soul into the likeness of Christ.  

A Holy Priesthood

A holy priesthood is an article in our Priesthood Restored Series. It’s a great place to start understanding what God means when He talks about the priesthood. God has not abandoned us to find our own strength, He has established His church to teach the world how to labor with Him in perfection of faith, where God becomes their true hope, peace, and rest.

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May 3, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: God is bringing forth His restored government

The Lord spoke to me saying. “Ephesians 6-20”, which reads, “For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”

The ambassador of Christ speaks of the calling and includes not only myself and my calling as a prophet, but also all those who have been confirmed into God’s restored government: Jesus’ apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. God governs His church.

We function with the measure of grace in our calling to make known the restoration of Jesus’ covenant and to teach people how to walk in the liberty of Christ.

May 25, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: What choice are you making?

The Lord spoke to me saying, “Those who refuse My knowledge, refuse My refreshing and prefer bondage and oppression.” I felt my mouth and throat refreshed, and I felt the living presence of the Lord.

John 4:13-14

13. Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again.

14. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

False knowledge binds the mind in fruitless cycles, while the living knowledge of Christ in covenant, liberates the believer to reflect Christ in their faith, overcome, and bear the eternal fruits of Christ within their soul.

May 18, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: What part of God’s plan is your destiny?

The Lord spoke to me saying “If you think things are bad now? Wait until you see what’s coming.”

In this revelation, God addresses the fence walkers and those whose finger is glued onto the proverbial “do-over” button. Instead of accepting God’s terms they want permission to re-make the mistakes of the past. You will hear challenges to prayer and teaching about renewal and the refreshing of God’s presence, but this is simply re-making bad choices of the past. God’s judgments are against the choice to seek renewal one’s own way. 

Ezekiel 21:31

And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy.

God’s righteous judgements are removing the power from false confidences, in this, God is calling people to enter into His covenant. God has established His church to teach the liberty that God empowers, as faith meets the standard He established in Christ.

April 22, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: What power is your hope joined to?

The world prepares to secure what they value against the unknown. While the righteous value their continual reciprocation with God, in which abides their living substance of hope.     

April 13, 2021

Apostle Eric vonAnderseck: The temptation upon the church

Let’s look at another revelation from God through the teaching of Apostle Eric vonAnderseck as the Lord directs our understanding about the challenges the church faces today.

“These challenges for believers are NOT by chance or by man, but by God.

Since 2011 God has been informing the church of this cleansing to break away those that desire to know Him in truth.

While most of the church leadership views these events in the negative, God is calling out to those that will hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches and be joined to Him in covenant.”   

May 7, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: The true power of the Spirit

When God is empowering your faith, you need not to look for any other power.

Audible manifestation: The sound of a very powerful diesel engine revving twice woke me from sleep Friday morning. It was so real that I thought it was right outside my window.

The power of the engine was very great, whatever task it was assigned to, it would be able to complete with great ease and sufficiency.

The auditable manifestation continued for a few minutes, I listened as the engine idled.

April 8, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: The foundation of truth restored

In the dream I was teaching people the necessity for their faith to be joined to the refuge of stewardship that God anointed, to provide them with the spiritual tools and guidance for their spiritual health. Which was as unpopular in the dream as it is today. Many scoffed, or used scripture to confirm their defiance, or ignored the call to covenant.

The Lord now points out in the dream one person who heard the call and followed the direction that was given, and they beheld the glorious fruit thereof.

Also, in this dream from God, Apostle Eric vonAnderseck points to the power of Christ that has anointed him to restore the foundation of truth, which the first century apostles instructed.

Apostles Restored

In this new apostolic season, the restored church has fully emerged. When we talk about the restored church, we are actually talking about God having reinstated the new covenant of Jesus Christ and that means the re-establishment of truth as our foundation. It also means that all of Jesus’ spiritual tools have been reinstalled and properly connected to the function of our priesthood.

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We learn why God re-installed His truth rather than simply call people to pray.  Most people don’t understand the importance of truth, which is the doctrine of Christ. In his article, Apostle Eric writes, “In Acts 2:42 God points to the source of Jesus’ doctrine, and He doesn’t point to the Bible, but rather to the apostolic calling, and this is why the doctrine of Christ is also called the apostles’ doctrine.

God establishes from the very beginning how He meant for the church to receive teaching and how discipleship takes place from that authority. The inescapable truth is that doctrine comes from the apostolic calling and anointing.” Read more by following the link.

April 11, 2021

Prophet Jonathan: The voice of God is in His stewards

In this dream I saw a post on s8w Daily Fellowship group on Facebook and heard Apostle Eric say “It’s through the language of the Lord that we bond with one another online.”

2 Corinthians 13:11

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Philippians 2:2

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

1 Peter 3:8

Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:

According to God’s design, His restored church builds His house upon the foundation of truth that He restored. Speaking of one mind to the same goal of edifying and nourishing each other.  

April 19, 2021

Teaching by Teacher Maria vonAnderseck: Hope!

The hope that God is restoring to the church today has to do with our transition into covenant because that is how we experience His hand to daily transform us.

Teacher Maria shares a revelation in her article, “I awoke yesterday with the Lord ministering a word of knowledge to me, ‘hope’.  When I received this word from the Lord, it was planted in me with much assurance, like a hammer hitting a nail squarely on the head, or a light switch that was flipped on, flooding every corner of the room with an incredible light.

This one word ‘hope’ has power in the hands of God. We live in a world today where so many find themselves drifting into despair, and having sent out one last S.O.S. to God for help, are waiting in the dark for His answer.

Did you know: Hope is not a word; it is a power that gives substance to soul.”

The Volume of the Book

Space does not allow me to share all the revelations of the Lord these past months through His restored government that were given for the benefit of His saints. I’ll end with two revelation, one I received April 6, 2021 where the Lord gave me a divine dream in which He conveyed that there are no short cuts to being in step with the Lord as the covenant believer labors with God’s perfect portions of grace.

At the very beginning of coming into covenant, this is what God teaches, to labor in conformity with the due process. The believer must be educated and trained in the functions of the controls. That is why the foundation of truth must be set in the heart through apostolic stewardship, and for faith to remain tethered to stewardship which is the hub for mobility.   

The second revelation I received in June 2, 2021. The Lord spoke to me saying, “This is the last call.” This came after I awake from another divine dream. In this dream the Lord showed me Apostle Eric vonAnderseck in his youth, which represents the anointing, the power which never ages. He was standing at the end of a poster board that was rolled up with a marker in his hand. The poster board was the size of a billboard.

Upon awaking I was wondering what was written on the posterboard, and the Lord spoke to me “this is the last call”.

God’s word “this is the last call” reflects the progression of the season of restoration we are in and the voice of God that has been raised in the new stewardship of the church as Apostle Eric spearheaded the new apostolic season. Those who are truly seeking God will hear God’s voice in His steward and accept His sign.

Read More From Prophet Jonathan Here!

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