The Dirty Truth Behind Clean Missouri (Amendment 1)

One of the benefits of a representative republic is the accountability of the elected to the electorate. If they do not behave the way we like or represent their constituent’s interests, they can be replaced. Each candidate must compete for our votes.
Outside special interests are not happy with the way Missouri voters vote. So they have concocted Amendment 1 to manipulate this process. The election of a candidate should be based their accomplishments and policy views. Instead of making candidates compete for your vote in the arena of ideas, Amendment 1 gerrymanders districts based on party affiliation. The ability of a candidate to represent the will of their constituents is secondary.
It’s pretty simple. If you want to be more competitive, come up with better ideas.
Amendment 1 allows an unelected, unaccountable bureaucrat to make decisions for you. The overall mission of the Convention of States Project is to decentralize governing authority and restore the principles of self-governance.
Amendment 1 proposes the opposite. The majority of people agree there is too much power centralized in D.C. Why in the world would we want to repeat these same errors in Missouri?
Amendment 1 claims to pursue “partisan fairness.” Elections specifically and government in general should be about fairness to Missouri’s citizens, not political parties. Under our current system of redistricting, gerrymandering is a rare exception. Under Clean Missouri, partisan gerrymandering would be the rule.
Please share this information with your friends and family. Your fellow Missourians are counting on you to help defeat this proposal that will adversely affect our state. Turnout is critical to protect our state and our republic. We cannot allow Amendment 1 to pass. Please remember to vote on November 6.
Please vote NO on Amendment 1, the Clean Missouri Act.
In liberty,
Convention of States Missouri