The Feds Scrambling To Cover Up Paddock’s GF Listing “FBI” as Workplace
We already reported on this right from the “get up” but nobody listened. The truth is coming out now and they can’t hide it. It’s THE GREAT AWAKENING! Get ready for The Eye of The Storm! reports:
Stephen Paddocks ‘girlfriend’ Marilou Danley worked for the FBI
Why have FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse and LVMPD Sheriff Joseph Lombardo kept the fact that Marilou Danley worked for the FBI secret from the general public from day one of the Las Vegas shooting?
Alleged 1 October gunman Stephen Paddock’s ‘girlfriend’ Marilou Danley worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, records show.
Seach results for “Marilou Lou Danley” on clearly reveal a Reno-based Marilou Danley is related to a “Geary Danley” who was also listed as one of Marilou’s Facebook friends before her page was taken down.
Astonishingly, the Intelius database shows that Marilou Danley worked for the FBI, Atlantis (Bahamas), and One News Page Ltd which raises more questions then answers.
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