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Fake News CNN and Obama Implicated In Child Abuse Scandal Leaving One Boy Dead


Fake News CNN and Obama Implicated In Child Abuse Scandal Leaving One Boy Dead

UPDATE: Infowars just reported on this. We had research prepared by one of our contributors, Adrinne Payton-Green but didn’t get to it in time. We’re sorry! Our site was taken down due to DDOS attacks. Please keep us in PRAYER AND SUPPORT OUR TRUTH MINISTRY HERE!!!

by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

some research by Adrinne Payton-Green


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CNN as well as Obama have possibly just been implicated in a Child Abuse Scandal that left at least one Georgia boy dead and his “killers” out on bail …

Authorities: Remains at New Mexico compound are missing boy (from Georgia)

When a 3-year-old boy from Clayton County, Georgia, died in a ritual in the northern New Mexico desert, the other children there were allegedly told he would come back to life as Jesus and tell them who to kill.

That’s among the jarring allegations leveled Monday by prosecutors, who are accusing the child’s father and four other adults of setting up a squalid isolated compound and plotting violence. Police raided the property in Taos County on Aug. 3 and say they have evidence the occupants were Muslim extremists training their children to become killers with high-powered weapons. … Read More …


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Fox News reports:

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – New Mexico forensic investigators announced Thursday that a highly decomposed body found at a desert compound in New Mexico has been identified as a missing Georgia boy whose father is accused of kidnapping him and performing purification rituals on the severely disabled child.

Authorities believe the boy, Abdul-ghani died in February, when he was 3 and buried in an underground tunnel at makeshift compound in northern New Mexico. He had been reported missing in December from Jonesboro, Georgia, near Atlanta.

The New Mexico Office of the Medical Examiner said in a statement that it could not identify the cause of Abdul-ghani’s death because his body was found in advanced stage of decomposition. … Read More …

Why did the judge let the defendants go “scott free” until trial?

KOB.com reports:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A written order from State District Judge Sarah Backus explains why she denied a motion to hold the five adults who were arrested after a raid on their northern New Mexico compound in jail until their trial.

Judge Backus explains that prosecutors failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that showed the defendants, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj, Lucas Morton, Jany Leveille and Subhannah Wahhaj, are a danger to the community.

In the order, Judge Backus says the state is only charging the adults with child abuse at this time and the children have been removed from their custody. Judge Backus notes that the defendants are not charged with child abuse resulting in death, there are no weapons charges and there are no charges regarding any actual threats of terrorism.

Judge Backus says that the state alleged the defendants were teaching the children to participate in school shootings but provided no evidence to support the claim. She invited the state to provide evidence in a supplemental motion. … Read More …

… Furthermore …


Judge Backus also noted that Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, the father of the 3-year-old boy whose remains are believed to have been discovered at the compound, was not going to be released from jail on account of her ruling. She states that Wahhaj was still being held on a detainer from Georgia, where he’s accused of abducting the boy before bringing him to New Mexico.

The conditions of release state 13 items the defendants must adhere to while awaiting trial. They include posting a $20,000 appearance bond, house arrest, wearing an ankle monitor and no contact with the children except for supervised contact at the discretion of CYFD.

Read Judge Backus’ full written order here.

To my surprise CNN appears to have reported on this however the Affiliate’s Article has already been removed. Here’s what we grabbed prior to the removal:

(CNN) – The grim discovery of 11 emaciated children on a filthy New Mexico compound, along with a cache of guns and the remains of a small boy has captured headlines for days.

cnn implicated 10 cnn implicated 8 [Why was the compound destroyed?]

It has become a case in which prosecutors allege that a family sequestered itself in a remote town to plot violence — and that a boy died during a ritual to expel demons from his body.

But the investigation started more simply, as a search for a child reported missing months ago in Georgia.

One of the latest chapters of the case ended Thursday, when officials confirmed the remains found on the New Mexico compound were that of the missing boy, 3-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj.

Authorities raided the New Mexico compound August 3, putting the 11 surviving children into protective custody and arresting three women and two armed men.

The adults, including Siraj Wahhaj, 40, Abdul-Ghani’s father, have been charged with child abuse. They’ve pleaded not guilty.

*** However did CNN mention their own News Anchor, Hujrah Wahhaj as one of the suspects arrested and facing trial? They may have, but it didn’t appear so. ***


CNN as well as Obama have possibly just been implicated in a Child Abuse Scandal that left at least one Georgia boy dead and his “killers” out on bail …

cnn implicated 2 cnn implicated 5 cnn implicated 7 cnn implicated 3 cnn implicated 4 cnn implicated 6 obama implicated Hmm? We’ll leave the rest of the speculation up to YOU! Please share your comments & thoughts …

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