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SHOCKING: Air Force Base Replaces Bible With Generic “Book of Faith”


SHOCKING: Air Force Base Replaces Bible With Generic “Book of Faith”


If this sounds like you’ve heard it before, it’s because you have.

The Bible has once again been found by a few officials to be too upsetting for members of our country’s highly trained military to handle. An anti-Christian group called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) recently contacted officials at Warren Air Force Base to complain that the mere presence of a Bible on a Missing Man Table significantly disturbed at least 36 men and women. The group demanded the Bible’s removal.

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Amazingly, base commander Col. Stacy Huser agreed.



Still, Colonel Huser issued a statement that said:

“One of our focus areas… is increasing the sense of belonging for all our Airmen; a large part of that effort is ensuring the religious and non-religious feel included and cared for. This concern being brought to our attention only helps us work toward meeting the needs of all Airmen.”

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Instead, she proposes, the 90th Missile Wing will “replace the Bible on the POW/MIA table with a ‘book of faith’ containing scriptural writings and prayers from the five DOD chaplain-appointed faith groups and a sixth set of blank pages to represent those who find solace by other means.”

After trying this stunt (and failing) at other bases and government offices, MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein celebrated the decision over “gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize Americans.” To veterans like FRC’s own Lt. General Jerry Boykin (U.S. Army-Ret.), Huser’s decision is a slap in the face to the POWs that these Missing Man Tables were meant to honor. After all, he points out, these tables are common sights on military installations across the country. Disrupting the displays — or censoring them – cheapens the sacrifice these men and women made for our freedoms — one of which happens to be the freedom of religion!

Just think: if our service men and women are traumatized by a Bible, how are they going to handle war? It’s a legitimate question in a military worn down by eight years of Barack Obama’s anti-religious hostility. In caving to MRFF, Huser is only keeping the last administration’s disregard for basic military tradition alive. These displays don’t violate a single regulation, Defense Department policy, or the Constitution.

We need your help. Please join me in urging Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, who has in the past been a champion of religious liberty, to step in and set the record straight. Sign our petition to let Secretary Wilson know that replacing the Bible with a generic “book of faith” is an affront to those who have or who continue serving in our nation’s military and especially to our POW/MIAs. After signing the petition, please share it with your friends and on your social media.

Sign The Petition Here!


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