A Prayer for Righteous Speech – God Hates Gossip
By John North
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” – Ephesians 4:29
God hates gossip!

Look at the list of sins he puts gossip into. It is there alongside “haters of God” and “inventors of evil” and “malice”. Gossip is immensely destructive. When you talk about someone to someone else, in a negative way—even if what you are saying is true—you are sinning against God, and you are hurting the person you are talking about, and you are hurting yourself.
Gossiping about others damages your own credibility. It also damages the relationship between them and the person you are talking to, and it hurts the person you are talking about. Gossip may make you feel better about something that irritates you about someone, but in the long run gossip hurts everyone.
God wants you to know that he is offended when you gossip about someone.
Heavenly Lord, may the words of our mouth and the actions of our heart reflect only the grace you have demonstrated to all mankind. Our words have the power to harm and to heal. Whenever we speak, let us demonstrate the gentleness and charity you showed to all. Amen.