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What Happened To The Las Vegas MYSTERY LADY Who Said “You’re Going To Die” …


What Happened To The Hispanic Mystery Lady In Front Of Country Festival Who Said “You’re All Going To Die”?

! –> Sign This Petition to Demand Las Vegas Truth <– ! ! !

Last October, there was the awful massacre that took place in Las Vegas at a country music festival. Reports from mainstream media have not added up one bit and it is our duty to question the official narrative.

Before the shooting, there was a Hispanic “Mystery Lady” or couple that WARNED concert goers that they were going to “Die” … Who was / were this / these person/s? and what happened to them?

Law enforcement sources believe the unidentified couple who told concert goers they were “all going to f***ing die” if they didn’t leave were likely part of the group behind the shooting, but later got cold feet and were trying to warn others of the impending massacre.

Here’s the takeaways from the evidence so far via Infowars:

1) Paddock had been radicalized, either for real or as part of a cover as he had the hallmarks of an intelligence agency cutout. Intelligence agencies were behind the rise of ISIS.

2) Paddock worked for a major aerospace company which had connections with Skunkworks – and he held multiple pilot licenses.

3) There was more than one shooter, and Paddock was clearly not acting alone.

4) Paddock was spending millions of dollars a year as an “apartment complex manager” while traveling the world and was a frequent guest at casinos – and, interestingly, casinos are one of the few legal places where someone can still launder money. You exchange money for chips, no questions asked, and even if you lose 20% or 30% from gambling, the casino gives you the rest of your money back when you turn in your chips.

5) There is a major cover-up of the shooting that is frustrating state and federal-level investigators who are being roadblocked by deep state insiders, sources told Infowars.

6) There were over 20 firearms transported to Paddock’s room in a casino which is under constant surveillance, even in the hotel rooms themselves. Notice how the mainstream media was so quick to claim Paddock was a “lone operator” the morning after the shooting, despite this clear discrepancy.

7) Evidence is suggesting that Paddock was possibly a gun runner for an intelligence agency, which would explain all the guns and the other aforementioned oddities surrounding the shooting. Even his radicalization would still fit into that narrative – remember, former CIA Director John Brennan was rumored to have converted to Wahhabism.

! –> Sign This Petition to Demand Las Vegas Truth <– ! ! !


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PHOTO CREDIT: infowars.com


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This video lays out all the evidence indicating there was more than one shooter … Read More Here!


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