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Secrets Of The Mandalay Bay: This SHOCKING Vegas Massacre Revelation Just Crossed My Desk


Secrets Of The Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Massacre: The Truth About The Coup & Coverup

This just crossed by desk regarding The Las Vegas Massacre. As for now it is speculation and unconfirmed.


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Screenshot - 10_13_2017 , 2_36_49 PM mandalay bay multiple windows removed out truth conspiracy paddock not alone cia isis
YOUTUBE SCREENSHOT: Multiple windows removed at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas!


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“Look what surfaced…


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Wed Nov 8 , 2017 (from unconfirmed source):


[I don’t know], but I think this could probably get me shot or at the very least , have the posts removed quick, so try to share with others ASAP.
This is basically what is and has been going on. Trust me, they don’t want any of this circulating.
Mandalay Bay , the Saudi Coup?,
they are connected!!!

There was a King Fasal who had a son, Prince Alwaleed, bin Talal.
King Fasal took ill and named his brother Salman as king in his place.
King Salman has named his son an heir to the throne, instead of his brother’s son Prince Al Waleed.
Al Waleed is a Wahabbi. Salman is Suni.
Wahabbi is extreme Islam.
Salman wanted a more modern, non extreme Islam for Saudi.That’s why he named his own son as heir.
In Las Vegas, Prince Al Waleed owned the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay resort, including the 32nd floor.that was one of the points of shooting at the strip.
I say one of the places, because the witnesses were all correct. There were other locations as well.
The Mandalay Bay has a heli pad on the roof. That is important, because that was the escape route after the carnage.
Paddock was a pilot. He was also a gun runner between the Philippines and the US.
He was running guns for Prince Al Waleed.
He didn’t win at the casino. Those millions came from smuggling.
On the night of the attack, I found out that King Salman was in Las Vegas. (I didn’t know that part until after the show and I received a missing piece of info.
” Salman was at the Tropicana.”
The FBI knew Paddock was running guns.
They were tipped off.
They didn’t know there was going to be an assassination attempt on Salman by Al Waleed just down the strip.
Paddock brought the guns as he usually did.
Instead of getting paid this time, he was killed.
He was victim one.
The guns were used to shoot at the country music venue.
That was to create chaos and distract from the real target over at the Tropicana ( The reason for multiple places having shootouts at the same time )
Al Waleed’s assassins shot from Mandalay bay, but they also were at the Tropicana trying to kill Salman.
That explains why there were shooters on the ground as well as in the air.
Remember the vids of the helicopter fly over???
I asked why a helicopter would be there when there was a shooter high up,
it wasn’t news, or cops.
It was the assassins who ran up the stairs to the roof from the 32nd floor. ( note: the last four floors at Mandalay Bay are a totally different hotel, ” The Four seasons” , Bill Gates and Al Waleed purchased this for four billon dollars several years back ( not really sure exactly how many years.)
Remember they sealed the door to the stairwell?
Paddock had access to the service elevator, because the boss said he could use the elevator.
Nobody questioned him. Mind you, The Four Seasons has it’s own private elevators apart from the Main and service elevators of the Mandalay Bay hotel.
Meanwhile the assassination attempt on Salman failed.
Now we are seeing the result of the failed attempt.
It was not only an assassination attempt and a terror attack, but an attempted coup in Saudi.
This is why everyone shut up in Las Vegas.
The response is still ongoing.
You are watching it play out.
Las Vegas was , without a doubt , a terror attack.
Paddock was the gun runner.
Al Waleed, the owner of the suite was who is behind all of it.
All the witnesses citing multiple shooters all told the truth and that’s why they’re all dead too.
There were shootouts along the strip and in Mandalay Bay & Tropicana hotels.
The reason nobody is talking is it’s not over yet,
It is going to escalate even higher and more deaths are to be expected.

EA MEDIA EDITOR NOTE: Sorry for the bad formatting. We basically took this directly from the source (with little editing done to it). The source also wished to remain Anonymous!


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Screenshot - 10_9_2017 , 9_08_18 PM paddock alive new featured photo WATCH HERE –> Stephen Paddock Seen ALIVE After Las Vegas Shooting!!!


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