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BREAKING: UFO In Portland Skies, Spurs Launch of Jets


BREAKING: UFO In Portland Skies, Spurs Launch of Jets

PHOTO CREDIT: youtube.com


THE US Air Force admits it. Something strange flew through US skies, startling flyers and spurring the launch of jets. THIS should not have happened.

On October 25, an unidentified aircraft was seen flying — in broad daylight — among the airliners in one of the United States’ heavily trafficked air corridors in the skies above Oregon.

It had no submitted flight plan. It had no identification transponder active. Nor was it transmitting collision avoidance signals.

Air traffic control stations were reportedly having difficulty following it on radar.

Coming after the events of 9/11, such an unidentified aircraft is not just a matter for UFO cranks and conspiracy theorists.


It represents a potentially serious breach of national security.

Or does it?

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