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North Korea Now Able To Nuke U.S. Heartland As Far East As Chicago

Screenshot - 5_15_2017 , 8_32_34 PM hell fire north korea

North Korea Now Able To Nuke U.S. Heartland As Far East As Chicago

Fox News reports:

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said that the country’s second flight test of an intercontinental ballistic missile shows that the country is capable of hitting the mainland U.S.

The communist leader said he reacted to the launch with “great satisfaction.”

The Hwasong-14 missile reached a maximum height of 2,314 miles and traveled 620 miles from the launch point before landing in waters near Japan on Friday.

Here is Alex Jones on North Korea hitting the U.S. mainland:

I think its time we put this FAT KID in check. What do you think? Leave your comments below …

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