Just one year before his untimely death, Kurt Cobain noted that his generation was sick and tired of American political culture, and that a big political change was coming in the years ahead that would demolish the two-party status quo.
Kurt’s prediction just 1 year before his untimely death is QUITE CHILLING but is it “true”?
According to liberal snopes it’s NOT. This is what they have to say about this image circulating virally around the web:
Origin: On 30 July 2016, the pro-Donald Trump Facebook page “Trump Train” posted an image of the late Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain overlaid with a message ostensibly uttered by him in 1993 endorsing Donald Trump for president:
“In the end I believe my generation will surprise everyone. We already know that both political parties are playing both sides from the middle and we’ll elect a true outsider when we fully mature.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not a business tycoon who can’t be bought and who does what’s right for the people. Someone like Donald Trump as crazy as that sounds.”
The “Trump Train” Facebook page didn’t provide any information about where Cobain allegedly made this prediction (e.g., in an interview, as part of a television appearance, during a concert) and noted only that it he supposedly uttered it sometime in 1993. We found no record of the Nirvana singer’s saying anything like the statement attributed to him by that page in 1993 (or any other year).