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Does Jesus Care If We Vote?



Decision Magazine

Our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are some of “the people,” and we are to participate in our government. Jesus said to give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and give to God the things that belong to God (Mark 12:17).


If you do not participate in your government, you have not rendered to your Caesar the things that belong to your Caesar.


If, for example, you do not vote—if you do not inform yourself—in my estimation, you have disobeyed the Lord Jesus Christ. It is inconceivable that God would have ordained human government and then tell His people to stay out of it. If that is true, who does that leave to run it?


We as Christians are to participate, not on the basis of parties or persons or politics, but on principles. Our highest allegiance is to God, but we have a duty to our country as well.


(Adapted from “The Divine Call to Political Engagement” in the September 2016 issue of Decision magazine)

Decision Magazine

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