(images inserted by EA staff and not approved by Rand)
I’m running for President of the United States of America because I want to defeat the Washington machine.
Our country is run by and for the special interests, and the career politicians in both parties let it happen.

We look around and see the same old, tired career politicians from yester year running. Hillary Clinton? We know how that movie ends… trillions more in debt, more taxes, and more Benghazis. Radical Islam thrived and grew while Hillary was on the top floor of the state department. Now she wants a promotion?
The elites that run the Washington machine at our expense will throw everything against us.
That’s why we need your help today, right now, to help fuel our campaign to defeat the Washington machine.
No amount is too small. The biggest thing we need is you on board today.
Here’s the thing: we’re in this race. That means the media, pundits, and the elites will immediately jump all over how well we do out of the gate. They’ll want to know how many people got on board.
Our first month’s fundraising total very well be the most important of the entire campaign because it will set the tone.
You see, the experts say a dollar contributed early on is worth $2 or $3 later. That’s been one of the tricks of the power brokers. Hillary will raise gobs of cash out of DC, New York, San Francisco, and LA.
So we need early support. It’s crucial.
And with your support here’s my plan to defeat the Washington machine and unleash the American Dream:
- Term limits to get rid of the career politicians.
- Require Congress to read legislation before they actually vote on it—read the bills!
- Audit the Fed—we deserve to know what’s happening with our money.
- Pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution—no more adding trillions in debt—time to pay it down.
- Boldly overhaul the tax code—no more loopholes for the biggest corporations with the best lobbyists—give workers a tax cut.
- Stop Common Core—school choice is the way forward.
- And on and on and on.
Basically it’s the opposite of what Hillary would do. Term limits, read the bills, Audit the Fed, cut debt, overhaul the tax code, ending Common Core…
… and I’ll take this message to every corner of America. I’ve been to Detroit. I’ve been to Ferguson. I’ve been to Berkeley. I’ve been to Chicago. I’ve been to Howard. Everywhere I go I bring the conservative message to the young, to those who are struggling, to those who the Left has failed… and they respond!
Ours is the winning message, but it is one that scares those who have profited at our expense.
So I’ve announced my candidacy for President of the United States.