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The Dawn of Liberation: The Greatest Exodus Prophesied for Our Times


The 3 1/2 Years Have Begun But The Timeline Is NOT What You’ve Been Taught

IMAGE VIA scripturalthinking.com

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In an age where shadows loom over the freedoms and moral foundations of nations, particularly in the United States, a prophetic narrative emerges, heralded by figures like Bo Polny. This narrative promises not just a reformation but a revolution in spiritual and worldly terms – an exodus echoing the biblical liberation from Egypt, but on a grander, global scale. Here, we delve into the excitement and anticipation surrounding what might be termed the “Greatest Exodus in Worldwide History,” focusing on America’s role in this divine narrative.

A Divine Timeline Unfolding:

Bo Polny’s interpretations of biblical prophecy suggest that we’re not merely observers but participants in a monumental shift, prophesied across scriptures, where God’s children are liberated from modern-day captivities, symbolized by moral corruption, economic enslavement, and spiritual bondage. This liberation, as Polny sees it, is not just spiritual but involves a tangible shift in the world’s power structures, starting with the United States, traditionally seen as a beacon of freedom and divine favor.

The American Exodus:

Imagine, if you will, the excitement and anticipation as America, often paralleled to biblical Israel, faces its own exodus moment. This isn’t about physical chains but the shackles of systemic corruption, moral decay, and economic disparity. Polny’s vision paints a picture where divine intervention breaks these chains, leading to a resurgence of true freedom, justice, and prosperity. This American exodus could symbolize not just a return to moral and economic strength but a spiritual awakening, mirroring ancient Israel’s journey from slavery to the Promised Land.

The Signs of Liberation:

Recent events, as highlighted by Polny, might be seen as the first tremors of this great upheaval. From economic forecasts to moral movements, each sign points towards a crescendo where the oppressed, the downtrodden, the spiritually lost, find liberation. The excitement lies in recognizing these signs – from shifts in global markets, aligning with biblical cycles, to the rise of voices championing truth over deceit, light over darkness.

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A Call to Participation:

This exodus isn’t passive; it requires participation. Polny’s messages urge believers to prepare, not just by watching but by engaging in faith, prayer, and action. The excitement builds as communities, inspired by this vision, might begin to live out their faith more boldly, expecting miracles, divine interventions, and a turnaround that history books will record as epochal.


The prospect of witnessing, or even being part of, what Bo Polny describes as the “Greatest Exodus” in history stirs excitement not just for a change in circumstances but for a divine encounter on a national and global scale. For America, this could mean reclaiming its position not just as a superpower but as a moral and spiritual leader. This narrative of liberation, grounded in scripture yet unfolding in real-time, invites us all to look beyond the present struggles, towards a horizon where God’s promises of freedom and prosperity are not just hoped for but expected, celebrated, and realized. As we stand on the brink of this prophetic fulfillment, the excitement is palpable, the anticipation electric, for what could be the most significant spiritual and historical event since the days of Moses.

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