… says that a child conceived in violence and against the will of the mother somehow doesn’t have the same value as a child conceived in a loving marriage
Abortion Bills — What Does An Exception For Rape Or Incest Imply About The Value Of Life?
Ken Ham with Harbingers Daily writes:
Recently a bill passed the South Carolina House which bans elective abortions in that state. This same bill nearly passed earlier, but after falling short by eight votes, the bill was “amended to allow abortions up to 12 weeks if a woman tells a doctor she was raped, after which the doctor has 24 hours to report her claim to law enforcement.”
These kinds of exceptions are often included in such bills, sometimes just to get them to pass (after all, more lives will be saved with this bill, even with the exceptions, than without the bill). But what does an exception for rape or incest imply about the value of life?
It implies that the circumstances surrounding conception determine the value of a human life. Banning abortion in nearly every case yet allowing it as a “solution” to the gut-wrenching, tragic case of sexual assault says that a child conceived in violence and against the will of the mother somehow doesn’t have the same value as a child conceived in a loving marriage, by unwed teenagers, or during a “one night stand” (or any other circumstance). But circumstances don’t determine the value of life! God has already determined life’s value, and he says it’s of immeasurable worth. Abortion is wrong in all of the scenarios described above because it takes an innocent life. Human life, made in the image of God, exists right from fertilization.