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Bud Light Suffers “Staggering” Sales Decline As Boycott Intensifies


17% plunge in revenue and a 21% slide in volume

Bud Light Suffers “Staggering” Sales Decline As Boycott Intensifies

Tyler Durden with Zerohedge reports:

IMAGE VIA usagag.com

New Bud Light sales data shows a “staggering” decline after the brewer attempted to position itself as the king queen of “woke” beers with the help of a transgender TikTok influencer partnership.

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According to the New York Post, data from NielsenIQ and Bump Williams Consulting reveals a significant decline in Bud Light sales for the week ending on April 15, with a 17% plunge in revenue and a 21% slide in volume.

For the week ending April 8, the seven days following trans-TikTok influencer Dylan Mulvaney promoting Bud Light on April 1, sales fell 6%, and volume sank 11%.

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