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State Rejects Ballot Measure to Require Medical Care for ‘Infants Who Are Born Alive’


Montana rejects ballot measure to require medical care for ‘infants who are born alive’

‘If Montana voters knew the truth about what the initiative would actually do, it would have passed overwhelmingly,’ a pro-life activist said

FOX News reports:

IMAGE VIA raisingchildren.net.au

Montana voters rejected the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act that would have required medical professionals to perform lifesaving medical care on infants who survived abortions or were born prematurely.

The pro-life measure would not have prevented Montana residents from receiving abortions, but would have required “medical care be provided to infants born alive” as a result of a natural or induced labor, failed abortion or a cesarean section.

The measure failed by around 20,000 votes, with 52.6% voting against it and 47.4% in favor of its passage at the time The Associated Press called the race.

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