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UK Spends 10 Days Mourning Death of 1 Person But Remains Silent Over 607k Deaths Following COVID Vaccination


1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people were dead

UK Spends 10 Days Mourning Death of 1 Person But Remains Silent Over 607k Deaths Following COVID Vaccination

Expose News reports:

IMAGE VIA wfla.com

How can it be that the UK recently spent 10 days officially mourning the death of one person, Queen Elizabeth II, with the mainstream media providing 24/7 media coverage of the Royal Family, but both the UK and the mainstream media remain silent over the deaths of 607,000 people in England following Covid-19 vaccination?

Official UK Government figures on deaths following Covid-19 vaccination reveal that by the end of May 2022, 1 in every 482 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England had sadly died within one month of Covid-19 vaccination, 1 in every 246 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England had sadly died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people were dead.

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