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Students’ Math & Reading Scores Undergo Sharp Decline During Plandemic Lockdowns: Dept. of Education


Department of Education reveals that average math scores for nine-year-old students dropped by 7 points

Students’ Math & Reading Scores Undergo Sharp Decline During Plandemic Lockdowns: Dept. of Education

Timothy H.J. Nerozzi with FOX News reports:

IMAGE VIA childtrends.org

American students’ reading and math skills were severely damaged during the coronavirus pandemic across almost all demographics.

A report on the nation’s plummeting test scores was published by the Department of Education on Thursday, showing dramatic losses across the board for students in the U.S.

IMAGE VIA theguardian.com

“In 2022, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) conducted a special administration of the NAEP long-term trend (LTT) reading and mathematics assessments for age 9 students to examine student achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the Education Department reported.

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