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Possible Nationwide Railroad Strike Now 30-60 Days Away


Right at Harvest time …

Possible Nationwide Railroad Strike Now 30-60 Days Away

Ethan Huff with Natural News reports:


Joe Biden just bought the country’s food supply a little bit more time by signing an executive order to keep America’s railroads running for another month or two. However, there is still a pretty good chance that negotiations between rail workers and their unions will sour during this time, driving America’s 140,000-mile rail network to a screeching halt come harvest time.

“What I’m hearing from our members is fewer equipment issues,” said Mike Seyfert, president and CEO of the National Feed and Grain Association (NFGA), following Biden’s action. “The equipment and engines don’t seem to be breaking down, but the amount of time it’s taken to get the trains and the reliability of receiving them have.”

In case you missed it, America’s 57,000 some-odd rail workers had planned to walk off the job on July 18 in protest of low wages and poor working conditions. Biden intervened by signing an executive order that prohibits a strike and requires a 30-day “cooling period” for the two sides to come up with a solution.

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