TRUE: Trump Has Condemned White Supremacy Time & Time Again Including 2016 When Asked by Chris Wallace
FACT-CHECK=TRUE: President Trump Has Condemned White Supremacy Multiple Times Including In 2016 When Asked By Chris Wallace
by Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media
Why do we call them fake news?
President Trump has condemned white supremacy groups time and time again … and media is crickets about it … They continue to spread lies & deceive the public with propaganda & downright disinformation.
Wow, this is Chris Wallace asking Trump the same question in 2016.
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) October 1, 2020
Any “journalists” wanna share this?
and again here …
Why do we call them fake news? Because they are! Why do they insist on ignoring the truth time and time again and only spreading lies & deception? In many cases, they spew outright propaganda & disinformation, and it has to stop. It has to stop now! WE ARE THE NEWS NOW!
How many times does this man have to say something before you simply acknowledge it?
Let’s face it. You hate him because YOU HATE AMERICA!!! You’re done!