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29% of Conservatives Have Left Facebook or Are Considering Doing So


29% of Conservatives Have Left Facebook or Are Considering Doing So


Media Research Center has this to say about Conservative Censorship on Social Media:

Social media companies are rapidly losing the trust of the American people.

A poll released today (commissioned by the Media Research Center and conducted by McLaughlin & Associates) revealed that the majority of American conservatives agree with President Trump that major tech giants (including Twitter, Facebook, and Google) have a decided bias towards the Left.

MRC President Brent Bozell had this to say about these important findings:

“These numbers are devastating to any CEO responsible for addressing the concerns of his customer base. According to this survey, 7% of conservatives have already left Facebook and another 25% are seriously considering it. That’s nearly one-third (32%) of conservatives on Facebook — potentially tens of millions of consumers. To make matters worse, two-thirds of conservative Facebook users trust Facebook less than they did a year ago. These trends should set off alarm bells at Facebook headquarters. They are bleeding a major customer base.

“The question Facebook and other social media companies need to ask themselves is this: Do you want to be seen as an open platform for all political beliefs or would you rather be considered a left-wing public interest group that censors free speech worldwide? The latter will prove to be unbelievably costly. Censorship on social media is no longer a hypothetical; it’s reality. So too is the evidence that this censorship is pointing to a massive conservative exodus.”

The poll brought to light several key findings about conservatives’ attitudes towards social media including:

  • 65% of self-described conservative adults believe social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are purposely censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites.
  • Two-thirds (66%) of self-described conservative adults do not trust Facebook to treat all of its users equally regardless of their political beliefs.
  • Two-thirds (67%) of self-described conservative adults have less trust in Facebook than they did one year ago.
  • 29% of self-described conservative adult Facebook users have left or are considering leaving the platform because of its censorship of conservatives.

The liberal media are desperate to keep this information under wraps. Social media companies are their allies in the effort to dominate the national dialogue, push the leftist agenda, and silence conservative voices.

We are not going to let them get away with it.

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